Coronation & District Handi-Bus Society
Rob Tkach, Coordinator
- Services the transportation requirements of the handicapped, the retirement community, as well the population of Coronation & District, who make use of our non profit services from time to time
- Pledges affordable service, reliable, on time, and safe delivery to all users of the handy bus
- Licensed to operate within the Province of Alberta, to the Town of Coronation, and is requires to operate under regulations described in the National Safety Code of Alberta Canada of Provincially Regulated Handy Buses
Paintearth Community Adult Learning
4909 Royal Street
- The Community Learning Network provides leadership, support, and resources for the Community Adult Learning Councils across Alberta
- They are governed by a Board of Directors and are supported by the Government of Alberta
Food Bank
The Coronation & District Food Bank is open the second Wednesday of every month
Location: 5002 Municipal Road
Appointment Only
Please call prior to the date to make an appointment.
Coronation Community Fridge
Coronation Community Fridge/Freezer/Pantry is a program that enables food to be shared within a community. Anyone can bring or take food without barriers. Maintenance is provided by FCSS.
The fridge/freezer/pantry is located in Coronation Mall which is open Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.
For more information, please call the FCSS Office at 403-578-2727.